Don’t Fall Into The Trap

Routine is one of those human conditions I can fall into fairly easily. Some routines can be good. For instance me making a reading time for my kids every night; before, I got to work. This is a good routine that I sometimes struggle with, but my kids are pretty good at keeping me on point. I realized today that I was falling into another routine, a trap, I didn’t want to be in.
Like most working-class people my day has hours of work included in it. Then there’s also the fact of family, sleep, and if possible, some chill time. For me this became all I was able to do. That is not enough for me, and it is a trap for anyone who wishes to move forward. My wife and I have started a business, and I am getting back into writing. If I fall into the trap of work, family, and chill then our progress becomes zero. This is the trap. Tonight, I am writing, so that I don’t fall into that trap.
The world is full of distractions, and I am not against a few distractions here and there, but I must be careful not to forget I want to move forward. To have a writing career I must write. If I’m going to sell the books, I write I need Jesus’ blessing and I need to actually keep writing. If I’m going to pray to Jesus for change in my life; I should probably make changes in my life. I don’t think that Jesus grants us wishes like some genuine. I also don’t think that I have to work hard to be given blessings from Jesus. I do, however, believe that Jesus has given me the ability to write, the creative mind for fantasy novels and character building that I enjoy, so that I can write. If I fall into the trap of comforts and chill, and I stop trying, then why would there be change?
In short, don’t fall into the trap of distraction and tiresome routines. Even if it’s something small like this article, maybe the only one I get up this week, at least it’s something. Keep pushing forward and keep praying for Jesus’ help.
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